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Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

now my family and me are in Canada, in Ottawa, in the parsonage, but still in quarantine.

Every Sunday I will post an online devotion here and every Wednesday a small video about Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Maybe you would like to read the letter to the Phillipians together with me in August (starting 5. August), and maybe this little video makes you curious.

Your Pastor Judith Kierschke

01Dec 19

Chrismons – English style of Christmas decorations

Last year we decorated the church in the German style for Christmas, we alternate every year, and so this year the church is decorated in the English style. Signhild Damus explains the English tradition of Chrismons:

Chrismons – a combination of Christ and monogram (meaning symbol). They are ornaments made of white (liturgical church colour) and gold (majesty/glory) material depicting the story of Jesus.

The tradition started in Ascension Lutheran Church in Danville, Virginia in 1957, and our Pastor Jon Keekley brought it with him to Mt. Calvary. Our Women’s Auxiliary sewed the whole set around 1970 under the leadership of Tina Hultquist. The Chrismons, though starting to show their age, have adorned our Christmas trees ever since.

You will find a complete list with explanation of each ornament here.

By the way: If there are two trees, the “Trinity Circle” is placed on one tree and the “Life Circle” on the other tree. If there is onle one tree, then the “Trinity Circle” is on top of the tree and the “Life Circle” is on the bottom. The “Life Circle” is about twice the size of the “Trinity Circle”.

04Nov 19

St. Martin’s Day

We cordially invite you to our St. Martin’s Day celebration with the lantern walk, on Friday, November 8th.

We meet at 5 pm in Martin Luther Church at 933 Smyth Rd, where the kindergarten children will put on a short play of the St. Martin’s story in the sanctuary (in German).

Then we will walk to the nearby Hutton Park with our lanterns. Afterwards we will meet in the church for a Potluck with hot fruit tea (downstairs in Mt Calvary Hall).

30May 19


And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will make all men come to me.
John 12:34

15May 19

Begin of the gardening season

On Saturday, May 25th, you are cordially invited to join us from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at the garden of Martin Luther Church on 933 Smyth Road. We will start the gardening season with a clean up and planting morning.

Take garden gloves with you if you have them, and it would be helpful if you could bring your own garden tools such as rakes or pruning shears. We have some equipment on hand, but maybe not enough.

15May 19

Plant and Bake Sale

On May 25th we have a fundraiser on the Great Glebe Garage Sale event to support the work of the Ottawa Lutheran Refugee Sponsorship Committee. The Plant & Bake Sale will take place on 297 Second Ave (corner of Percy and Second Ave).

If you would like to donate a cake or muffins or cookies for the Bake Sale, you are most welcome. We will be collecting the baked goodies in Mt Calvary Hall

on Sunday, May 19 before or after the 9.30-and-11-a.m.-worship services
or on Friday, May 24 from 6.30 to 7 p.m.

For additional handover dates, please contact Alexandra Demke:

24Apr 19

Theatre performance at Martin Luther Church

The Theatre Group Augenblick (Ottawa) invites you to their latest production:

“The Visit” by Friedrich Dürrenmatt

The performance is bilingual (German-English). The performance will be played in German, the English translations will be shown on a screen – like in last year’s performance of Lessing’s „Nathan the Wise”.

933 Smyth Road (Martin Luther Church)

Friday, 10 May, 7 p.m.
Saturday, 11 May, 7 p.m.

Admission is free, we would be grateful for a donation to support the theatre work.
Since there are only a limited number of seats available, we recommend that you pre-order tickets.
Reservations can be made at

We would like to thank the „Kirche und Kultur“ group, which promotes German-language cultural projects in Ottawa, for their support.

20Apr 19


Jesus said,
I am the resurrection, and the life:
he that believes in me,
though he were dead, yet shall he live.
John 11:25

6:00 a.m. Easter sunrise service (German/English) with Easter fire
– followed by Easter breakfast –
9:30 a.m. Worship service with Communion (English)
11:00 a.m. Family worship service (English/German)

19Apr 19

Good Friday

For God had such love for the world
that he gave his only Son,
so that whoever has faith in him
may not come to destruction
but have eternal life. – John 3:16

11:00 a.m. Worship Service with Communion (German)
3:00 p.m. Worship Service (English)

18Apr 19

Maundy Thursday

Certain for ever is the memory of his wonders:
the Lord is full of pity and mercy. – Psalms 111:4

7.00 p.m. Seder meal
English, with an introduction into the Seder meal
Please let us know in advance, if you would like to participate:

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