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Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

now my family and me are in Canada, in Ottawa, in the parsonage, but still in quarantine.

Every Sunday I will post an online devotion here and every Wednesday a small video about Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Maybe you would like to read the letter to the Phillipians together with me in August (starting 5. August), and maybe this little video makes you curious.

Your Pastor Judith Kierschke

08Jul 20


Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ!

Tomorrow our daughter Clara and I fly to Germany.

On Farewell I am once again sending you the link to online worship services in  July:

I wish you peace and joy and God’s blessing to come through this crisis well!

Alexandra Demke

28Jun 20

Devotion June 28th (video)

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

The bells of the monastery in Lehnin have just rung, it is Saturday evening. So I am already in Germany for my further education program. Quite a surprise, that it takes place right here, were I will be serving from October on. Now my thoughts are going back to you. This is the last service in which I preach. Like you all, I had imagined this very differently. But as much as things are changing, there is also an important part staying the same. So I invite you to sing along, to pray and to listen.

I am very grateful for our musicians MaryAnn, Martin and Signhild for playing the hymns so beautifully and faithfully that everyone who wishes can sing along.

Please click the link to the file that contains the lyrics for the songs as they appear in the course of the devotion.

Here you find the link to the devotion in our church (video).

A heartfelt “thank you” to everyone who contributed to the services with readings. My special thanks also goes to our son Paul, who competently combined all these little video clips from the many individual recordings to one service.

Finally, a special thanks to you who have been loyal to the congregation in the many changes not only in recent times. I am certain that as a church with God’s help, which we have been able to experience so much, we will remain one congregation with two languages beyond the crisis.

Please keep in mind that this also requires your financial contribution.

The known telephone number in the directory will be retained, but Rev. Judith Kierschke will only begin to take her position as of August 1st. She now has received her visa and obtained her flight tickets, so that there is nothing technically in the way of her coming to Ottawa.

Services online:

Best regards, wishing God’s blessing,


21Jun 20

Devotion on June 21st (video)

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

When you watch the video with the devotion for today, the 3rd Sunday after Pentecost, I will already be in Germany. I am grateful that last Sunday, despite of the Corona Virus we had the opportunity to see each other in person to say and wave farewell safely with 10-minutes-conversations in 2-meter-distance. A big thankyou to everyone who made this possible.

I want to thank our musicians MaryAnn, Martin and Signhild for coming together every week to record the music for us so that everybody who wants to can sing along.

Here you will find a file that contains the lyrics for the songs as they appear in the course of the devotion.

Thank you also to Clara for the readings and a very special thank you goes to Paul for editing already since April our video-devotions.

Please click here on the link to the devotion in our church (video).

Please continue to support your congregation in these difficult times financially.

Services online:

Best regards, wishing God’s blessing,


14Jun 20

Devotion on June 14th (video)

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Today, on the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost, Alexandra and I will sit in the garden in front of the church door and say last personal words of farewell to those who are able to come and have signed up online for it. So I chose the sermon text for this Sunday with a personal reference.

I am very grateful that our musicians MaryAnn, Martin and Signhild play the songs so beautifully and faithfully that everyone who wants to can sing along.

Please click here on the link to the devotion in our church (video).

Here you will find a file that contains the lyrics for the songs as they appear in the course of the devotion.

You will have heard in the news that the churches can be open again. Our church, the ELCIC, has recommended to all of their congregations to wait until September to open up again so that it can carefully be considered how this should be done so that there is no danger. The church council has decided to follow these recommendations.

For the reasons already explained here, there will be no virtual coffee hour today.

Please continue to support your congregation financially.

Services online:

Best regards, wishing God’s blessings,


10Jun 20

Farewell to the Demke family

As you hopefully all know by now, Pastor Demke will be leaving Canada in June  to take up his new position in Germany. This weekend is the best opportunity to say good bye to him. Given the restrictions imposed by Covid 19, and after consultation with Pastor and Alexandra Demke, it was decided that the goodbye ceremony will take place using a specific procedure that will be outlined on the registration page.

June 14, 2020

Pick your time today!


Please use the button above  or use this link HERE to register in advancefor this event. All people who wish to use this opportunity to say farewell ***must*** register in advance!

  • Pastor and Alexandra Demke will be available from 10 to 12 and 14-16 hours next Sunday, June 14th 2020.

More details will be provided when you complete your registration. We look forward to seeing you there!

06Jun 20

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Today is the day of Holy Trinity, and you are invited to a virtual devotion filmed in our church.

Many thanks to our musicians MaryAnn Foley, Martin Damus and Signhild Damus, and also to the reader, Clara Demke.

Please click here on the link to the devotion in our church (video).

Here you will find a file that contains the lyrics for the songs as they appear in the course of the devotion.

After the service, we have a meeting for a virtual coffee hour, please find the invitation below.

Services online:

Best regards, wishing God’s blessings,

P.S. Please keep in mind that many costs for our church occur even when we are closed.

Church Coffeetable on Sunday, June 7th
11 a.m. to 12 noon

Meeting link:

Meeting number:
126 531 9685


(62995989 from phones and video systems)

31May 20

Come, holy spirit

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Today is Pentecost Sunday, the devotion would like to be a little more colorful with more people on screen , after all, it is the birthday of the church today.

Many thanks not only to our musicians MaryAnn Foley, Martin Damus and Signhild Damus, but also to the readers. Heather Ladouceur, Marianne and Steve Thornton have agreed to participate virtually in this service.

Please click here on the link to the devotion in our church (video).

Here you will find a file that contains the lyrics for the songs as they appear in the course of the devotion.

After the service, I invite you to a virtual coffee hour, you should have received the email with the invitation on Saturday.

Services online:

Best regards, wishing God’s blessings,

P.S. Please keep in mind that many costs for our church occur even when we are closed.

23May 20

Sunday devotion with music (Video)

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Today’s Sunday Exaudi, the sixth Sunday after Easter, is in a sense a Bridge-Sunday. We are coming from Ascension Day and heading towards Pentecost together. Today I chose the sermon text according to the sermon order applicable in Germany and used a picture for my sermon. To access the video, please click here on this link.

With this mail you will find a music sheet. Last week I forgot to send it. So this time you can sing along if you like. Please click here on the link to the music sheet.

The next week on Pentecost Sunday I will again invite you to a coffee time, this time with a different platform, because many (me too) had problems with zoom. I will use the Cicso WebEx system. If you would like a test run please send me an e-mail (you can also call me 613 748 9745 and ask for advice). I then send an invitation for the same system (very similar to Zoom, don’t worry) for Saturday morning at 11 a.m., i.e. 24 hours in advance.

If you would like to add a name to our prayer list please let me know so that I can include the person in the prayer of the people.

Services online:

Best regards, wishing God’s blessings,

P.S. Please keep in mind that many costs for our church occur even when we are closed.

16May 20

Sunday devotion in the church with music (video)

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Today’s Sunday is the 6th Sunday after Easter. This time, the Sunday devotion was filmed within our church.

The musicians – MaryAnn Foley, Signhild Damus and Martin Damus – also met in the church to record music for our Sunday devotion. Many thanks to them!

I’d like to invite you now to celebrate virtually with us in the church. To access the video, please click here, on this link.

I am happy and excited to virtually meet some of you with a cup of coffee today. The invitation to our virtual Church Coffee Table was sent out earlier today so that you could register for the zoom meeting in good time.

Services online:

Best regards and God’s blessings,
Pastor Friedrich Demke

P.S. Please keep in mind that many costs for our church occur even when we are closed.

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