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Devotion on June 14th (video)

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Today, on the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost, Alexandra and I will sit in the garden in front of the church door and say last personal words of farewell to those who are able to come and have signed up online for it. So I chose the sermon text for this Sunday with a personal reference.

I am very grateful that our musicians MaryAnn, Martin and Signhild play the songs so beautifully and faithfully that everyone who wants to can sing along.

Please click here on the link to the devotion in our church (video).

Here you will find a file that contains the lyrics for the songs as they appear in the course of the devotion.

You will have heard in the news that the churches can be open again. Our church, the ELCIC, has recommended to all of their congregations to wait until September to open up again so that it can carefully be considered how this should be done so that there is no danger. The church council has decided to follow these recommendations.

For the reasons already explained here, there will be no virtual coffee hour today.

Please continue to support your congregation financially.

Services online:

Best regards, wishing God’s blessings,


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