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Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

now my family and me are in Canada, in Ottawa, in the parsonage, but still in quarantine.

Every Sunday I will post an online devotion here and every Wednesday a small video about Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Maybe you would like to read the letter to the Phillipians together with me in August (starting 5. August), and maybe this little video makes you curious.

Your Pastor Judith Kierschke

15May 18

Youth Fundraising Dinner on May 27

Dining Around the World: “Remembering Charlottetown”

You are cordially invited by Lutheran Youth Ottawa (LYO) to the first event of a series of youth-initiated congregational dinners. Join us for a culinary adventure that will lead our taste buds to encounter different cultures and flavours.

Sunday, May 27, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Orléans, 1325 Gaultois Ave

The menu:

clam chowder; shepherd’s pie; salad and dessert
gluten-free and vegan options are available

Youth will be sharing their experiences from CLAY 2016. CLAY (Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth) is a gathering of the Youth of Lutheran and Anglican Churches which takes place every two years. In 2018 it will take place in Thunder Bay.

All of proceeds go towards supporting youth ministries within the Ottawa Ministry Area and CLAY 2018 (August, Thunder Bay). From our Martin Luther congregation two youths will participate in CLAY 2018.

Tickets are available at church offices, Lutheran Youth Ottawa representatives and at


12May 18

Raffle prizes needed

We kindly ask you to help us with prizes for the big Raffle on our Springfestival.

Please contact Friedrich and Alexandra Demke (613-748 9745, or just bring your prizes on Sunday to the church (please don’t wrap them).

A big thank you to everybody who can support the raffle with donations. This is a wonderful contribution to our Dinner-Dance-Festival.

09May 18

Plant & Bake Sale on May 26

On May 26 we have a fundraiser on the Great Glebe Garage Sale event to support the work of the Ottawa Lutheran Refugee Sponsorship Committee. The Plant & Bake Sale will take place on 297 Second Ave (corner of Percy and Second Ave). If you would like to donate a cake for the Bake Sale, you are most welcome. We will be collecting the cakes on Friday, May 25 at 12 noon at 933 Smyth Road and in the evening at 7 p.m. on 499 Preston St.

08May 18

The Springfestival, our annual fundraiser

On Saturday, June 2 you are invited to our annual fundraiser , the Springfestival with Dinner-Dance.

We will have live music with the Edelweiß-Duo from Montreal, various culinary delicacies, we offer a special children’s program, and the raffle with many prizes is always a highlight of the evening.

Tickets for adults $ 35, for children $ 15

Doors open at 6 p.m.
We celebrate at the Maple Leaf – Almrausch Club
3928 Farmers Way, Ottawa ON  K0A 1K0)

Infos, tickets, reservations
Heidi Rausch, ph 613-864 4102, e-mail
or Judith Scollon, ph 613-733-0095

02Apr 18

Annual General Meeting – Sunday, April 8

10:00 am Joint worship service (Demke) with Concordia Choir
Followed by the Annual General Meeting

An invitation for the Annual General Meeting including the agenda has been sent to the members of our congregation. The budget for 2018 will be voted on, the reports for 2017 and the financial auditor’s report will be presented and voted on, and the election of the Church Council will be confirmed.

28Mar 18

Easter – Sunday, April 1

See, I am living for ever, and I have the keys of death and of Hell.
Revelation 1:18

6:00 am Worship service (German; Demke), afterwards Easter Breakfast (till 09.15 a.m.)
10:00 am Family-oriented worship service (Demke, German/English)

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