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Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

now my family and me are in Canada, in Ottawa, in the parsonage, but still in quarantine.

Every Sunday I will post an online devotion here and every Wednesday a small video about Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Maybe you would like to read the letter to the Phillipians together with me in August (starting 5. August), and maybe this little video makes you curious.

Your Pastor Judith Kierschke

04Apr 19

Lenten Bible Studies

Lent offers a perfect time to reflect on many things. You are invited to reflect on the mysteries of the Easter story by joining together in a Lenten Bible study. On Saturday mornings March 30, April 6 and 13 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at Faith Lutheran Church in Ottawa’s West end, on 43 Meadowlands Dr. W., contemplate the Lenten journey, and enjoy a hot brown beverage if you so choose.

This Lenten reflection series called ‘Finding meaning from Lent to Easter’ will be facilitated by Pastor JoAnne Lam based on resources from the Journey to Baptismal Living Workshop.

On this study journey you may encounter the Word of God in a personal way, experiencing God in the midst of your life. You may come to any or all of the studies, come alone or bring a friend, plan to listen, or share in the discussion.

It would be wonderful to experience this journey with you. This series will culminate in an Easter Vigil taking place the evening of Holy Saturday, April 20, from 6:00-9:30 pm at Martin Luther Church, 933 Smyth Road, with soup provided.

For more information you may contact Marianne Thornton: 613-526-5414.

25Mar 19

Filmclub on March 29 (7:30 pm)

“As we were dreaming” is a German film directed by Andreas Dresen, based on the novel of the same name by author Clemens Meyer about a group of East German friends in Leipzig at the time of the German reunification.

Andreas Dresen conveys in this specifically German coming-of-age story before and after the fall of the wall with a lot of humour and rousing drive, the very special way of life of his youthful protagonists. Dani, Mark, Rico, Pitbull and Paul live in the intoxicating raptures of a special time. Years in which societies and systems collide and everything, really everything seems possible. The boys are thirteen when the story begins in the GDR, seventeen, when it ends in the new Germany.

Director: Andreas Dresen
Germany 2015
109 minutes; German with English Subtitles

06Mar 19

Ash Wednesday

Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished.
Luke 18:31

This year, congregations of the Ottawa Ministry Area (Ottawa Lutherans) are gathering together to worship on Ash Wednesday, at three locations and at different times in the day:

1 pm Resurrection Lutheran Church, Orleans (1325 Gaultois Ave)

7 pm Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church (43 Meadowlands Dr. W.)

7:30 pm St Peter’s Lutheran Church (400 Sparks St)

With Imposition of Ashes ― a ritual to ground us in our humanity ― and Holy Communion to remind us that God in Jesus walks with us on our earthly and sometimes painful journey through life and death.

25Dec 18

O holy child of Bethlehem, descend to us, we pray;
cast out our sin, and enter in, be born in us today.
We hear the Christmas angels the great glad tidings tell;
oh come to us, abide with us, our Lord Immanuel!

20Dec 18

3:30 pm Christmas Vespers with German Children‘s pageant (bilingual)
5:00 pm German Christmas Vespers with special music
7:00 pm English Christmas Eve Worship service with Communion 

9:30 am Joint worship service (Demke) with Communion

30Oct 18

November Choir Rehearsals

The choir rehearsals are moving to Saturday for the month of November:

November 03, 10:00 am

November 10, 9:00 am

November 17, 10:00 am

November 24, 10:00 am

Everybody who would love to join the choir is most welcome.

30Sep 18

Singing in our Martin Luther Church Choir

As a new season begins at Martin Luther, we are adding a small choir to our Music Ministry to prepare music to enhance our celebrations of Feast Days and Seasons in both the German and English Liturgies.

This choir will meet on Tuesdays at 10.30 in the sanctuary of our church, 933 Smyth Rd, starting this week, October 2.

If this sounds interesting to you, please feel free to send MaryAnn an email at :

20May 18

Children’s program for our Springfestival

Please find the children’s program below (Poster here: Children’s Program – Dinner Dance 2018) for our upcoming Frühlingsfest/Dinner Dance, on Saturday, June 2nd at the Maple Leaf Almrausch Club, 3928 Farmers Way, K0A 1K0. Doors open at 6pm.

We will have a delicious buffet including meat and vegetarian dishes, live music and raffle prices.

Please order your tickets with Heidi Rausch,, 613-864-4102. The price is $35 for adults and $15 for children.

Children’s Program – Kinderprogramm
    6 – 6:30 pm Knock the cans down           
Spring drawing/colouring
    6:30 – 7 pm  Protect the egg challenge
Schütze das fallende Ei
    7 – 7:30 pm  Paper airplanes
    7:30 – 8 pm  Marshmallow engineering
Marshmallow Technik
    8:30 pm Sing and dance along
Das Fliegerlied
18May 18

Gardening at our Church

This Saturday marks the beginning of the Martin Luther Church Public Garden gardening season. We would welcome anyone who is interested to join us this Saturday (May 19) at 10 am for a morning of garden work in our property’s green space.

The first session will be one of assessment, clean-up and planning for the season. Bring garden gloves (we will have a few extra) a sun hat, and your favorite brown beverage, along with anything else you might think would be useful.

We have fun, chat a bit, and care for God’s creation, and you are welcome to join us!

Please contact Marianne Thornton at if you have any questions.

More information about the gardening project can be found here.

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