Farewell to the Demke family
As you hopefully all know by now, Pastor Demke will be leaving Canada in June to take up his new position in Germany. This weekend is the best opportunity to say good bye to him. Given the restrictions imposed by Covid 19, and after consultation with Pastor and Alexandra Demke, it was decided that the goodbye ceremony will take place using a specific procedure that will be outlined on the registration page.
June 14, 2020
Pick your time today!
Please use the button above or use this link HERE to register in advancefor this event. All people who wish to use this opportunity to say farewell ***must*** register in advance!
- Pastor and Alexandra Demke will be available from 10 to 12 and 14-16 hours next Sunday, June 14th 2020.
More details will be provided when you complete your registration. We look forward to seeing you there!