German Filmclub
"Die Blindgänger" (88 min. German, without subtitles)
"Die Blindgänger" (88 min. German, without subtitles)
On April 19, we celebrate confirmation at 9:30 a.m. in a joint service (Pastor Demke/Pastor Malina/Confirmands) with communion. The Concordia choir will sing. Afterwards there will be a short break…
Michael Blum: "Oranienstraße" (Moderation: Sonja Finck)
Invitation to an online presentation and discussion
2. Sunday of Easter
2. Sunday of Easter
3. Sunday of Easter
It was 75 years ago that the last world war ended on May 8th. For those who are younger, this is a date learned in history classes. There are monuments…
4. Sunday of Easter