Petri Island Walk / Service in the Nature
At 10.30am we will meet at the Parking Lot at Petri Island. Go for a walk and have a short service together. No service in church on September, 11th.
At 10.30am we will meet at the Parking Lot at Petri Island. Go for a walk and have a short service together. No service in church on September, 11th.
Wir wollen uns wieder persönlich treffen. Wir treffen uns um 5pm unten in der Kirche, aber es wird auch die Möglichkeit geben, sich per Zoom zuzuschalten. Das Thema dieses Tages…
We want to meet in person downstairs in our church. But there is also the possibility to join via Zoom. Today's topic is: The early Church
Come and be surprised musically! Kommen Sie vorbei und lassen Sie sich musikalisch überraschen!
Coffee, cake, Singing, Talking... in german and english
Wir gucken einen Film über Wolfgand Amadeus Mozart in english. We are watching a film about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in english