Weltgebetstag der Frauen in St. Albertus
Wir feiern gemeinsam in der Katholischen St. Albertus Kirche (416 Parkdale Ave, Ottawa)
Wir feiern gemeinsam in der Katholischen St. Albertus Kirche (416 Parkdale Ave, Ottawa)
German/ English Bible Study on Zoom with Martin Luther Church Toronto. For the zoom link please mail Pastorkierschke(at)gmail.com
Come and enjoy a hot soup with us! Everybody is welcome!
This is something fun!! Come and paint with us! Saturday, 18th of March in our Church. It starts at 4pm and cost $35! Come, trink tea, eat a snack and…
There is a JEsus Statue in Ottawa? Yes, come with us and see! Meeting point Mill Street Pub, 555 Wellington Street 11 am and a short walk!