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For a cup of coffee…

Everyone who misses the coffee hour after church is invited to a virtual coffee hour. Prepare and bring your favourite cup of coffee/tea. Sunday, May 17th from 11 a.m.-12 noon. If you would like to participate, please send an email…

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Sunday devotion May 10th (Video)

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Today's Sunday is the 5th Sunday after Easter. I miss all of you very much and also the music. So this time there is much more music (this is the link to the video-devotion).…

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Sunday devotion (Audio) on May 3rd

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, The devotion for the third Sunday after Easter comes today as an offer to hear (please click HERE ON THE LINK TO THE AUDIO-FILE). During the devotion the letter “Beth” is mentioned. It is…

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Sunday Devotion (video)

Dear Sisters and brothers in Christ, With this mail, I would like to invite you to walk with me through the Bible. Please, click on this link for the Sunday Devotion - it will lead you to a video on…

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Donations while the church is closed

Dear members of Martin Luther Church, I write to you in a time of challenge, fear, and uncertainty. Our lives have been turned upside down by the events of the last number of days and weeks. A closure of this…

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30 Years of German Unification (or 29 1/2)

You are invited to an online presentation and discussion about "My life in the German Democratic Republic - Rev. Friedrich Demke" I’d like to invite you to this special meeting. Since it is unclear when we will be able to…

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Sunday Devotion to listen to

Dear congregation, With this mail, I am sending you a link to this Sundays devotion. I hope your computer knows what to do when you click here at the Sunday devotion to listen to. I hope you hear from each…

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CHRIST is risen. HE is risen indeed. Easter devotion (link to the video) with greetings from your Pastor Friedrich Demke (You are welcome to share the link to this Eastervideo)

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Good Friday

For God had such love for the world that he gave his only Son, so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction but have eternal life. John 3:16 We remember today as the day on which Jesus died. Cruelly…

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Maundy Thursday

Certain for ever is the memory of his wonders:  the Lord is full of pity and mercy. Psalms 111:4 Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, Today is Maundy Thursday. The day on which we remember how Jesus celebrated the last…

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