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Ash to go on Ash Wednesday
Come to the church between 5-6 pm, get an ash cross on your forehead and a a small devotion for home.
Joined Bible Study
In February we have a joined Bible Study with our neighbouring St Aidans Anglican Church. We take a look at the sermon texts for the next sunday. Join us this time in St Aidans Church at 11 am (934 Hamlet Road)
Holden Evening Prayer in Faith Ottawa Church
We are celebrating the Holden Evening Prayer in Faith Ottawa Church, 43 Meadowlands Drive W, K2G2R5
Weltgebetstag der Frauen in St. Albertus
Wir feiern gemeinsam in der Katholischen St. Albertus Kirche (416 Parkdale Ave, Ottawa)
Bible Study online
German/ English Bible Study on Zoom with Martin Luther Church Toronto. For the zoom link please mail Pastorkierschke(at)