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We are glad that you found our webpage.

We are a bilingual German and English congregation in Canada’s capital, made of a diverse community of families, elders, and young people. We are all here in Ottawa for various reasons, some of us temporarily, and some for the long term.

We know that nobody lives just for him- or herself. We are connected by our interest in worship, in religion and community, in song, prayer, and discussion – and last but not least in our search for a responsible Christian life in the world of today.

The Evangelical Church is a worldwide community. It is a place where people exchange views about their beliefs and receive new ideas to their questions about the origin of life, its meaning, and its goal. We are a congregation that is open to everyone.

The English-speaking part of the congregation originated in 1955 as Mt Calvary Church, a daughter congregation of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church. The German-speaking congregation was founded by German immigrants as Martin Luther Church in 1965. In 2018, Mt Calvary joined with Martin Luther and now we have two worship services every Sunday, one in German and the other in English. We are active in the German cultural life in Ottawa, we care for our community in faith, and we cherish our relation with the other Ottawa-area Lutheran Churches.

Martin Luther is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC), and it works closely with the other ELCIC congregations here in Ottawa. We cultivate ecumenical contacts, especially with the other German-speaking Christian congregation in Ottawa, the Catholic St. Albertus congregation. The church is affiliated with the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) and belongs to the German Evangelical-Lutheran Conference in North America (DELKINA).

We acknowledge that we gather here in Ottawa on unceded Algonquin territory.

We invite you to explore our web pages, but we would be even happier if you got in touch with us:

Pastor Judith Kierschke
Confidential email:
General questions:
Tel.: (613) 733-5804

Location: 933 Smyth Road
Office hours: Monday 10-12 and Thursday 3 – 5 pm, Wednesday 10 am -12 noon

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