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Sunday devotion with music (Video)

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Today’s Sunday Exaudi, the sixth Sunday after Easter, is in a sense a Bridge-Sunday. We are coming from Ascension Day and heading towards Pentecost together. Today I chose the sermon text according to the sermon order applicable in Germany and used a picture for my sermon. To access the video, please click here on this link.

With this mail you will find a music sheet. Last week I forgot to send it. So this time you can sing along if you like. Please click here on the link to the music sheet.

The next week on Pentecost Sunday I will again invite you to a coffee time, this time with a different platform, because many (me too) had problems with zoom. I will use the Cicso WebEx system. If you would like a test run please send me an e-mail (you can also call me 613 748 9745 and ask for advice). I then send an invitation for the same system (very similar to Zoom, don’t worry) for Saturday morning at 11 a.m., i.e. 24 hours in advance.

If you would like to add a name to our prayer list please let me know so that I can include the person in the prayer of the people.

Services online:

Best regards, wishing God’s blessings,

P.S. Please keep in mind that many costs for our church occur even when we are closed.

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