Events List
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Soup and Talk
Come and enjoy a hot soup with us! Everybody is welcome!
This is something fun!! Come and paint with us! Saturday, 18th of March in our Church. It starts at 4pm and cost $35! Come, trink tea, eat a snack and socialize while you paint your own lenten/ Easter Masterpiece, you get to take home. All painting materials, drinks and snacks are included in the cost.…
Service on the Road/ Gottesdienst unterwegs zur Jesus Statue in Ottawa
There is a JEsus Statue in Ottawa? Yes, come with us and see! Meeting point Mill Street Pub, 555 Wellington Street 11 am and a short walk!
Palm Sunday / Palmsonntag Joint Service and Coffee afterwards
Kirchenkaffee im Anschluss
Gründonnerstag/ Maundy Thursday
Andacht: Nacht der verlöschenden Lichter Devotion: Night of the extinguishing lights
Gottesdienst zur Sterbestunde Jesu