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Donations while the church is closed

Dear members of Martin Luther Church,

I write to you in a time of challenge, fear, and uncertainty. Our lives have been turned upside down by the events of the last number of days and weeks. A closure of this magnitude has never occurred in the history of this church or any other church in this area.

It is unknown how long this period of closure will last. It could be several weeks or several months. COVID-19 will have a long-lasting and far-reaching effect on the economy. All churches will feel this impact and we are no exception. Unlike some sectors of the business community, as a registered charity we cannot expect to be rescued by a government bailout. While the church is closed, the fixed cost keep running. We severely feel loss of weekly income coming from donations given during the service.

As ministry will continue the best way possible, I cannot stress enough how important it will be to continue to make our offerings. We will someday open again, and when we do, we must ensure that church is prepared and ready to resume normal operations. Currently, there are numerous ways to give

1.    Visit our website and click the donate button
a.     Search for our website:
b.    Click on menu, then
c.     Click on “Donations”, then
d.    scroll down to and click on “donate now’
e.     then follow the prompts to add amount and personal details. That’s it.

2.    Mail envelopes to the church
a.     If Canada Post is running, you can mail envelopes directly to the church office.
Mailing address:
Martin Luther Church
933 Smyth Rd
Ottawa, Ontario

3.    Drop envelopes off at church
a.     If the church building is locked, you can drop off envelopes into church mailbox. Someone will be checking the mailbox regularly.

4.    Secure Online Credit Card option through the ELCIC National Office.
a.     To use this option at
b.     Select the ELCIC General Fund
c.      In the “Personal Message”, type; “for the Martin Luther Church, 933 Smyth Rd, Ottawa, Ontario, K1G1P5 “
d.    Fill in the remaining fields
e.     The National Office will assume all processing costs and pass on 100% of money received at this time to our congregation.

If you need assistance with these options or have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out and call the Pastor at 613 7489745. The days, weeks, and months ahead will be a challenging time for us, but I know when we pray, work, and give in GOD’s name, we can make it through the darkness.

Konrad von Finckenstein
Martin Luther Church

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